Nick de Bois

4105 days ago

Nick De Bois MP (Con) – Loathsome Bigot

Nick de Bois is a Conservative MP who I had never heard of until he popped up on my TV screen yesterday expressing his disappointment that there were to be no additional tax breaks handed out to married couples as a trade off for the Tories allowing gay marriage. His argument was that tax breaks should be given “to those who really need it” – married couples. What a loathsome bigot.

The State should not be in the business of using the taxes paid by all of us (whatever our personal state of affairs), to reward those whose lifestyles it approves off (i.e. married folk rather than those who opt to remain single or co-habit). There should be no financial bonuses for following one moral code rather than another.

Moreover it is patently NOT married couples who most need tax breaks. Those who most need tax breaks (in fact taking out of the tax system altogether) are low earners as that makes work rather than welfare a more attractive option. Increasing the gap between those who opt to work on low incomes rather than living off the state should be the focus of change in the tax system. Whether low earners are married or not is irrelevant. And why should high earners get a break just because they follow a lifestyle approved by moral gauleiters such as Nick de Bois MP?

That this horrible little man thinks that concessions need to be handed out to get him to support gay marriage says it all, about him. As long as it effects no third party in an adverse fashion folks should be allowed to do what they want and in terms of sexuality that means that gays should be allowed to get married, go to bathhouses or whatever. It does not float my boat but it should not be up to me, the State or the loathsome de Bois to dictate acts of personal choice.

Nick de Bois MP you are a loathsome bigot. And an economic illiterate to boot.
